Capitol Cards : United States Senate Biography Trading Cards

United States Senate Biography Trading Cards were published from 1993–2001 by Halsey Creative Services, Inc. First Edition cards are branded and copyrighted as "Capitol Cards" and "Capital Cards, Inc." – the 1998 series is branded and trademarked as "Capital Cards."

Over 1,200 trading card sets and Senate posters were donated to high schools throughout the country. A portion of proceeds from the series were donated to I Have a Dream, a school drop-out prevention program in Houston, Texas.

1994 Capitol Cards : US Senate 103rd Congress - John Glenn

Capitol Cards: U.S. Senate 103rd Congress trading cards were released in 1993. The 100-card First Edition collection features congressional portraits of each state senator. The card text includes biographical information and a voting record for each member. The U.S. Senate 103rd Congress set includes Ohio Senator John Glenn.

Mercury astronaut John Glenn served as Ohio Senator in the 94th–105th Congress from December 24, 1974 – January 3, 1999. Glenn is the first American to orbit the Earth, completing three orbits in the Friendship 7 spacecraft on February 20, 1962. Senator Glenn served as a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Discovery mission STS-95 from October 29 – November 7, 1998. John Glenn is the third sitting member of Congress to travel into space after Senator Jake Garn in 1985 and Representative Bill Nelson in 1986.

1998 Capital Cards - United States Senate 105-2-70 Ohio Senator John Glenn

Senators of the 105th United States Congress cards were released in 1998. Senators of the 106th Congress were added in the 1999 Freshmen Edition update. Senator John Glenn is pictured with Boeing suit technician Lloyd Armintor at Johnson Space Center on February 17, 1998.

The 2001 Freshman Edition update includes NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. Nelson served in the House of Representatives from 1972–1991, and was a Florida Senator from 2001–2019. Nelson was a Payload Specialist on Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-61-C from January 12–18, 1986. Bill Nelson is the second sitting member of Congress to travel into space after Senator Jake Garn in 1985. Nelson was sworn in as the 14th NASA Administrator on May 3, 2021.

1994 : Senators of the 103th Congress
Alabama Howell Thomas Heflin
Alabama Richard C. Shelby
Alaska Frank H. Murkowski
Alaska Ted F. Stevens
Arizona Dennis Webster DeConcini
Arizona John McCain
Arkansas Dale Bumpers
Arkansas David Hampton Pryor
California Barbara Boxer
California Dianne Feinstein
Colorado Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Colorado Hank Brown
Connecticut Christopher J. Dodd
Connecticut Joseph I. Lieberman
Delaware Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Delaware William V. Roth Jr.
Florida Bob Graham
Florida Connie Mack
Georgia Paul Coverdell
Georgia Samuel Augustus Nunn
Hawaii Daniel K. Akaka
Hawaii Daniel K. Inouye
Idaho Dirk Kempthorne
Idaho Larry E. Craig
Illinois Carol Moseley-Braun
Illnois Paul Martin Simon
Indiana Daniel Coats
Indiana Richard G. Lugar
Iowa Charles E. Grassley
Iowa Tom Harkin
Kansas Nancy Landon Kassebaum
Kansas Robert Joseph Dole
Kentucky Mitch McConnell
Kentucky Wendell H. Ford
Louisiana John B. Breaux
Louisiana John Bennett Johnston
Maine George John Mitchell
Maine William Sebastian Cohen
Maryland Paul S. Sarbanes
Maryland Barbara A. Mikulski
Massachusetts John Kerry
Massachusetts Edward M. Kennedy
Michigan Carl Levin
Michigan Donald Wayne Riegle
Minnesota David Ferdinand Durenberger
Minnesota Paul D. Wellstone
Mississippi Thad Cochran
Mississippi Trent Lott
Missouri Christopher S. Bond
Missouri John Claggett Danforth
Montana Conrad Burns
Montana Max Baucus
Nebraska J. James Exon
Nebraska J. Robert Kerrey
Nevada Harry Reid
Nevada Richard H. Bryan
New Hampshire Bob Smith
New Hampshire Judd Gregg
New Jersey Frank R. Lautenberg
New Jersey William Warren Bradley
New Mexico Jeff Bingaman
New Mexico Pete V. Domenici
New York Alfonse M. D'Amato
New York Daniel Patrick Moynihan
North Carolina Jesse Helms
North Carolina Lauch Faircloth
North Dakota Byron L. Dorgan
North Dakota Kent Conrad
Ohio Howard Morton Metzenbaum
Ohio John H. Glenn Jr.
Oklahoma Don Nickles
Oklahoma James M. Inhofe
Oregon Mark Odom Hatfield
Oregon Robert William Packwood
Pennsylvania Arlen Specter
Pennsylvania Harris Wofford
Rhode Island Claiborne de Borda Pell
Rhode Island John H. Chafee
South Carolina Ernest F. Hollings
South Carolina Strom Thurmond
South Dakota Larry Lee Pressler
South Dakota Thomas A. Daschle
Tennessee Harlan Mathews
Tennessee James Ralph Sasser
Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison
Texas Phil Gramm
Utah Orrin G. Hatch
Utah Robert F. Bennett
Virginia Charles S. Robb
Vermont John W. Warner
Virginia James M. Jeffords
Vermont Patrick J. Leahy
West Virginia John D. Rockefeller IV
West Virginia Robert C. Byrd
Washington Patty Murray
Washington Slade Gorton
Wisconsin Herb Kohl
Wisconsin Russ Feingold
Wyoming Alan Kooi Simpson
Wyoming Malcolm Wallop
1998 : Senators of the 105th Congress
105.2.1 Alabama Jeff Sessions
105.2.2 Alabama Richard Shelby
105.2.3 Alaska Frank Murkowski
105.2.4 Alaska Ted Stevens
105.2.5 Arizona Jon Kyl
105.2.6 Arizona John McCain
105.2.7 Arkansas Dale Bumpers
105.2.8 Arkansas Tim Hutchinson
105.2.9 California Barbara Boxer
105.2.10 California Dianne Feinstein
105.2.11 Colorado Wayne Allard
105.2.12 Colorado Ben Nighthorse Campbell
105.2.13 Connecticut Christopher Dodd
105.2.14 Connecticut Joe Lieberman
105.2.15 Delaware Joseph Biden, Jr.
105.2.16 Delaware William Roth, Jr.
105.2.17 Florida Bob Graham
105.2.18 Florida Connie Mack
105.2.19 Georgia Max Cleland
105.2.20 Georgia Paul Coverdell
105.2.21 Hawaii Daniel Akaka
105.2.22 Hawaii Daniel Inouye
105.2.23 Idaho Larry Craig
105.2.24 Idaho Dirk Kempthorne
105.2.25 Illinois Richard Durbin
105.2.26 Illnois Carol Moseley-Braun
105.2.27 Indiana Dan Coats
105.2.28 Indiana Richard Lugar
105.2.29 Iowa Chuck Grassley
105.2.30 Iowa Tom Harkin
105.2.31 Kansas Sam Brownback
105.2.32 Kansas Pat Roberts
105.2.33 Kentucky Wendell Ford
105.2.34 Kentucky Mitch McConnell
105.2.35 Louisiana John Breaux
105.2.36 Louisiana Mary Landrieu
105.2.37 Maine Susan Collins
105.2.38 Maine Olympia Snowe
105.2.39 Maryland Barbara Mikulski
105.2.40 Maryland Paul Sarbanes
105.2.41 Massachusetts Edward Kennedy
105.2.42 Massachusetts John Kerry
105.2.43 Michigan Spencer Abraham
105.2.44 Michigan Carl Levin
105.2.45 Minnesota Rod Grams
105.2.46 Minnesota Paul Wellstone
105.2.47 Mississippi Thad Cochran
105.2.48 Mississippi Trent Lott
105.2.49 Missouri John Ashcroft
105.2.50 Missouri Christopher Bond
105.2.51 Montana Max Baucus
105.2.52 Montana Conrad Burns
105.2.53 Nebraska Chuck Hagel
105.2.54 Nebraska Robert Kerrey
105.2.55 Nevada Richard Bryan
105.2.56 Nevada Harry Reid
105.2.57 New Hampshire Judd Gregg
105.2.58 New Hampshire Bob Smith
105.2.59 New Jersey Robert Torricelli
105.2.60 New Jersey Frank Lautenberg
105.2.61 New Mexico Jeff Bingaman
105.2.62 New Mexico Pete Domenici
105.2.63 New York Alfonse D'Amato
105.2.64 New York Daniel Moynihan
105.2.65 North Carolina Lauch Faircloth
105.2.66 North Carolina Jesse Helms
105.2.67 North Dakota Kent Conrad
105.2.68 North Dakota Byron Dorgan
105.2.69 Ohio Mike DeWine
105.2.70 Ohio John Glenn
105.2.71 Oklahoma James Inhofe
105.2.72 Oklahoma Don Nickles
105.2.73 Oregon Gordon Smith
105.2.74 Oregon Ron Wyden
105.2.75 Pennsylvania Rick Santorum
105.2.76 Pennsylvania Arlen Specter
105.2.77 Rhode Island John Chafee
105.2.78 Rhode Island Jack Reed
105.2.79 South Carolina Ernest Hollings
105.2.80 South Carolina Strom Thurmond
105.2.81 South Dakota Thomas Daschle
105.2.82 South Dakota Tim Johnson
105.2.83 Tennessee William Frist
105.2.84 Tennessee Fred Thompson
105.2.85 Texas Phil Gramm
105.2.86 Texas Kay Bailey Hutchison
105.2.87 Utah Robert Bennett
105.2.88 Utah Orrin Hatch
105.2.89 Vermont James Jeffords
105.2.90 Vermont Patrick Leahy
105.2.91 Virginia Charles Robb
105.2.92 Virginia John Warner
105.2.93 Washington Slade Gorton
105.2.94 Washington Patty Murray
105.2.95 West Virginia Robert Byrd
105.2.96 West Virginia John Rockefeller
105.2.97 Wisconsin Russell Feingold
105.2.98 Wisconsin Herb Kohl
105.2.99 Wyoming Michael Enzi
105.2.100 Wyoming Craig Thomas
1999 : Senators of the 106th Congress
106.7 Arkansas Blanche Lambert Lincoln
106.24 Idaho Mike Crapo
106.26 Illinois Peter Fitzgerald
106.27 Indiana Evan Bayh
106.33 Kentucky Jim Bunning
106.42 Massachusetts John Kerry
106.63 New York Chuck Schumer
106.65 North Carolina John Edwards
106.70 Ohio George Voinovich
NNO Capital Cards Promo
NNO Definitions
NNO Senate Updates to 105th and 106th Congress
NNO The Three Branches of our Federal Government
How a Bill becomes a Law.