1999 Kellogg's : Out of this World Collector Cards

1999 Kellogg's Out of this World Collector Cards #15 - Yuri Gagarin

Kellogg's Out of this World Collector Cards were issued in 1999 by Kellogg's in the United Kingdom. The 22-card collection included a fold-out "Big Bang" wallchart, available for free by mail order. One cut-out card panel was included on the back of each specially marked box of Kellogg's cereal. The back of each card panel is blank.

Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, is featured on card #15. The text description incorrectly states that Gagarin "ironically" died in a car accident. Gagarin died during a routine MiG-15 training flight near Novosyolovo, Vladimir Oblast, Soviet Union, on March 27, 1968.

Out of This World
1 The Sun
2 Mercury
3 Venus
4 Earth
5 Mars
6 Jupiter
7 Saturn
8 Uranus
9 Neptune
10 Pluto
11 The Moon
12 Galaxies
13 Halley's Comet
14 Nebulas
15 Yuri Gagarin
16 First Man on the Moon
17 Moonwalks
18 Lunar Rover Vehicle
19 Voyager 1 & 2
20 Mir Space Station
21 Space Shuttle
22 Spacewalk