1971 Ondina : Tu mejor amigo, el perro

1971 Ondina : Tu mejor amigo, el perro

Tu mejor amigo, el perro (Your best friend, the dog) was released in 1971 by Ondina S.A., a former beverage company in Catalonia, Spain. The 50-card collector album features colorful illustrations of canine breeds from around the world. The collection includes a subset of famous dogs that features television and film stars Rin-Tin-Tin and Lassie; as well as historical dogs Becerrillo, Barry, and Laika.

The card text and album descriptions are printed in Spanish. One card was included with each carton of Ondina Cola soft drinks in Spain. The series was distributed in Mexico with Relle Dona snack cakes from Wonder. The Relle Dona variants contain numbering on the front of each card.

Tu mejor amigo, el perro collector albums were produced by Ondina and Relle Dona. The card and album text was authored by F. M. Sesen. Tu mejor amigo, el perro was originally printed by T.G. Ruiromer in Barcelona. The album was published by Publicidad Solmak, S.L. of Les Valls.

1971 Ondina : Tu mejor amigo, el perro #50 - Laika

Laika (Лайка, "Curly") was a mixed-breed stray dog found on the streets of Moscow, Russia. On November 3, 1957, Laika became the first animal to orbit the Earth, travelling aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Laika died from overheating after the third orbit, about 5–7 hours into the mission. The card and album text incorrectly state that Laika was euthanized. The Sputnik 2 spacecraft reentered the atmosphere on April 14, 1958.

1 Basset Hound Basset Hound
2 Gran Danes Great Dane
3 Bulldog Bulldog
4 Boxer Boxer
5 Paster Alman German Shepard
6 Dalamata Dalmatian
7 Braco Aleman German Shorthaired Pointer
8 Beagle Beagle
9 Cocker Spaniel Cocker Spaniel
10 Collie Collie
11 Calgo Afango Afghan Hound
12 Bloodhound Bloodhound
13 Mastin Ingles English Mastiff
14 Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog
15 Wolfhound Wolfhound
16 Perro de Lanas Poodle
17 Chihuahua Chihuahua
18 Espaniel Papillon Continental Toy Spaniel
19 Pinscher Enano Miniature Pinscher
20 West Highland White West Highland White Terrier
21 Carlin Pug
22 New Foundland Newfoundland
23 Spaniel Breton Brittany Spaniel
24 Dobermann Dobermann
25 Galgo o Lebrel Español Spanish Greyhound
26 San Bernardo Saint Bernard
27 Retriever del Labrador Labrador Retriever
28 Pequines Pekingese
29 Fox Terrier pelo Duro Wire Fox Terrier
30 Chow Chow Chow Chow
31 Sussex Espaniel Sussex Spaniel
32 Daschshund Dachshund
33 Husky de Siberia Siberian Husky
34 Galgo Ruso Barzoi Russian Borzoi
35 Lulu Pomeranian
36 Boston Terrier Boston Terrier
37 Pointer Pointer
38 Settler Irlandes Irish Settler
39 Pastor Belga Belgian Shepherd
40 Setter Gordon Gordon Setter
41 Lulu Enano Miniature Pomeranian
42 Antigo perro Pastore Ingles Old English Sheepdog
43 Sealyham Terrier Sealyham Terrier
44 Skye Terrier Skye Terrier
45 Malamute de Alaska Alaskan Malamute
Perros Famosos
46 Becerrilo Becerrillo
47 Rin-Tin-Tin Rin-Tin-Tin
48 Barry Barry
49 Lassie Lassie
50 Laika Laika