United Space Alliance : Space Shuttle Mission Cards

1998 United Space Alliance : Space Shuttle Mission Cards - STS-95

Space Shuttle Mission Cards were produced from 1996–1999 by United Space Alliance in cooperation with NASA, Space Flight Awareness, and Planet 10. The series was distributed in ten-card sets for each Space Shuttle mission from STS-76 to STS-96, with the exception of STS-92 from 2000. Each Space Shuttle Mission Cards set includes a mission header card and an individual profile card for each crew member.

1998 United Space Alliance : Space Shuttle Mission Cards - STS-95 - John H. Glenn

The Space Shuttle Mission Cards were limited in distribution to educational institutions and space advocacy programs. Various sets are held in the collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. NASA and Space Flight Awareness later produced trading cards for International Space Station expeditions.

Space Shuttle Mission Cards
USA Space Day 1996 1996
STS-76 Shuttle / Mir Mission 3 1996
STS-77 Spacehab 4 / Spartan IAE 1996
STS-78 Life and Microgravity Spacelab 1996
STS-79 Shuttle / Mir Docking 1996
STS-81 Shuttle / Mir Docking 5 1997
STS-82 Hubble Telescope Repair 1997
STS-83 Microgravity Science Lab 1 1997
STS-84 6th Shuttle / Mir Mission 1997
STS-86 Shuttle / Mir Docking 7 1997
STS-87 Microgravity Payload 4 1997
STS-88 ISS-01-2A Assembly Flight 1998
STS-89 Shuttle / Mir Docking 8 1998
STS-90 Neurolab 1998
STS-91 Shuttle / Mir Docking 9 1998
STS-93 Chandra X-ray Observatory 1999
STS-94 Microgravity Science Lab 1 1997
STS-95 STS-95 1998
STS-96 Shuttle / Discovery 1999