1967 Editorial Ferma : Inventos y Viajes

1967 Editorial Ferma : Inventos Y Viajes

The Inventos y Viajes (Inventions and Travel) collector album was published in 1967 by Editorial Ferma of Barcelona. The 153-card series features illustrations of artists, scientists, leaders, and explorers throughout history. Each person is featured on a portrait card and a related event card.

The cards, or cromos, were sold in paper packets with four cards per pack. The card text and album descriptions are printed in Spanish. Various card images were previously issued in 1966 by Ferma in the Mundo Maravilloso series.

Werner von Braun is featured on card #140. Card #141 depicts the launch of the first American satellite Explorer 1 on February 1, 1958. The Juno I (RS-29) launch vehicle was built by the Army Ballistic Missile Agency under the direction of Dr. von Braun. The Juno I design combined elements of the Jupiter-C, MGM-29 Sergeant, and the PGM-11 Redstone missiles.

Project Mercury astronaut John Glenn is featured on cards #150 and 151. On February 20, 1962, Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth, completing three orbits aboard the Mercury Spacecraft Friendship 7.

1967 Editorial Ferma : Inventos Y Viajes #150 - John Glenn

1 Ramses II Ramesses II
2 Abu Simbel Abu Simbel
3 Moises Moses
4 Los Diez Mandamientos The Ten Commandments
5 Homero Homer
6 La Odisea The Odyssey
7 Pitagoras Pythagoras
8 Teorema de Pitagoras Pythagorean Theorem
9 Socrates Socrates
10 La Filosofía Philosophy
11 Alejandro Magno Alexander the Great
12 La Flange The Phalanx
13 Anibal Hannibal
14 Cannas Battle of Cannae
15 Cayo Julio Cesar Julius Caesar
16 El Imperio Roman Empire
17 Atila Attila
18 Los Hunos The Huns
19 Marco Polo Marco Polo
20 Catay Marco Polo, China
21 Juan Gutenberg Johannes Gutenberg
22 La Imprenta Printing Press, 1438
23 Santa Juana de Arco Joan of Arc
24 La Doncella de Orleans The Maid of Orleans
25 Miguel Angel Michelangelo
26 La Piedad La Pietà
27 Cristobal Colon Christopher Columbus
28 America America
29 Hernan Cortes Hernán Cortés
30 Quemar las Naves Burn the Ships
31 Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes
32 Don Quijote Don Quixote
33 Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei
34 Medicea Sidera Medici Stars
35 Shakespeare William Shakespeare
36 Hamlet Hamlet
37 Richelieu Cardinal Richelie
38 La Rochela Siege of La Rochelle
39 Velázquez Diego Velázquez
40 Las Meninas Las Meninas
41 Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin
42 El Pararrayos Lightning Rod
43 Ludwig Van Beethoven Ludwig Van Beethoven
44 Hermanos Montgolfier  Montgolfier Brothers
45 Montgolfier Montgolfière
46 Horacio Nelson Horatio Nelson
47 Trafalgar Battle of Trafalgar
48 Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte
49 Austerlitz Battle of Austerlitz
50 Victor Hugo Victor Hugo
51 Los Miserables Les Misérables
52 Johann Augustus Sutter John Sutter
53 Oro en California! Gold in California!
54 Fernando de Lesseps Ferdinand de Lesseps
55 El Canal de Suez The Suez Canal
56 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
57 La Abolicion de la Esclavitud The Abolition of Slavery
58 Livingstone David Livingstone
59 Las Fuentes del Nilo The Source of the Nile
60 Ricardo Wagner Richard Wagner
61 El Anillo de los Nibelungos The Ring of the Nibelung
62 La Reina Victoria Queen Victoria
63 Reina de Irlanda y Emperatriz de la India Queen of Ireland and Empress of India
64 Narciso Montruriol Narciso Monturiol
65 El Ictineo Ictíneo I
66 Luis Pasteur Louis Pasteur
67 La Vacuna Antirrabica Rabies Vaccine
68 Julio Verne Jules Verne
69 Veinte Mil Leguas de Viaje Submarino Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
70 Alejandro Eiffel  Gustave Eiffel 
71 La Torre Eiffel Eiffel Tower
72 Gustavo Doré Gustave Doré
73 Las Ilustraciones de Doré Illustrations of Gustave Doré
74 Alfredo Nobel Alfred Nobel
75 La Dynamita Dynamite
76 Mark Twain Mark Twain
77 Las Adventuras de Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
78 Conde de Zeppelin Ferdinand von Zeppelin
79 Graf Zeppelin LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin
80 Sara Bernhardt Sarah Bernhardt
81 La Dama de las Camelias The Lady of the Camellias
82 Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen  Wilhelm Röntgen 
83 Rayos X X-rays
84 Buffalo Bill "Buffalo Bill" Cody
85 La Caza del Buffalo The Buffalo Hunt
86 Alejandro Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell
87 El Teléfono Telephone
88 Thomas Alva Edison Thomas Alva Edison
89 El Fonografo Edison Phonograph
90 Antonio Gaudí Antoni Gaudí
91 La Sagrada Familia Basílica de la Sagrada Família
92 Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore
93 Cultura Hindu Culture of India, Taj Mahal
94 Hermanos Lumiere Auguste and Louis Lumière
95 El Cinematógrafo Cinematograph
96 Henry Ford Henry Ford
97 Automovil Ford Ford Model T
98 Hermanos Wright Wright Brothers
99 El Aeroplano Wright Airplane, 1903
100 Madame Curie Marie Curie
101 El Radio Radioactivity
102 Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi
103 La Independencia Independence of India
104 Enrique Caruso Enrico Caruso
105 El Gran Tenor The Great Tenor
106 Guillermo Marconi Guglielmo Marconi
107 Telegrafia sin Helos Wireless Telegraphy
108 Sir Winston Churchill Sir Winston Churchill
109 Forjador de la Victoria Forger of Victory
110 Alberto Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer
111 El Mago de Lambarene The Great White Man of Lambaréné
112 Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
113 La Relatividad Theory of Relativity
114 Grock Grock the Clown
115 El Clown Grock the Clown
116 Juan XXIII Pope John XXIII
117 Concilio Vaticano II Second Vatican Council
118 Sir Alexander Fleming Sir Alexander Fleming
119 La Penicilina Penicillin
120 Picasso Pablo Picasso
121 Pintura Abstracta Pablo Picasso, Abstract Art
122 Ana Pavlova Anna Pavlova
123 La Muerte del Cisne The Dying Swan
124 Lawrence de Arabia Lawrence of Arabia
125 El Rey sin Corona The Uncrowned King
126 Adolfo Hitler Adolf Hitler
127 El III Reich Aleman German Third Reich
128 Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin
129 Charlot The Tramp
130 Juan de la Cierva Juan de la Cierva
131 Autogiro Autogyro
132 Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong
133 El Jazz Louis Armstrong, Jazz
134 Charles Lindbergh Charles Lindbergh
135 El Espiritu de San Luis Spirit of St. Louis
136 Greta Garbo Greta Garbo
137 La Divina The Divine Woman
138 Juan Manuel Fangio Juan Manuel Fangio
139 Campeonato del Mundo World Champion
140 Werner von Braun Werner von Braun
141 El Explorer Explorer 1, Juno I 
142 Joe Luis Joe Louis
143 Puños de Hierro James Braddock vs. Joe Louis
144 Manolete Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez
145 Toreo al Natural Bullfighting al Natural
146 John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy
147 Coexistencia Pacifica Peaceful Coexistence: J.F.K., Nikita Khrushchev
148 Edmund Percival Hillary Edmund Percival Hillary
149 Conquista del Everest Conquest of Mount Everest, 1958
150 John Glenn John Glenn
151 Nave de La Amistad Project Mercury Capsule
152 Martin Luther King, Jr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
153 Los Derechos Civiles Civil Rights Movement